
Course Descriptions

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Courses

BMB 300: Biochemistry

Introduction to biochemistry at the cellular and chemical levels. Emphasis on protein structure and function, enzymes, bioenergetics, intermediary metabolism, carbohydrates, and other biological molecules. Three class meetings, one laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 120 and a C- or better in CHEM 221. Transferred CHEM221 will require a placement exam or permission of the instructor. Students must also register for a lab.
cross listed: CHEM 300

BMB 320: Physical Chemistry I

Quantum mechanics and the nature of the chemical bond. Emphasis on understanding atomic orbitals, atomic and molecular energy, and the chemical bond. Applications of molecular quantum mechanics; spectroscopy and computational chemistry. Laboratory focuses on experiments that led to the development of quantum mechanics, molecular modeling, and spectroscopy. Three class meetings, one laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 221, MATH 111 or MATH 116; prerequisite or corequisite: PHYS 110 or PHYS 120. Students must also register for a lab. (This course satisfies Technology Intensive.)
cross listed: CHEM 320

BMB 321: Physical Chemistry II

The course explores the energy, dynamic behavior, and properties of large groups of molecules. Content includes the behavior of non-ideal gases, the kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and reaction-rate theory. The laboratory focuses on kinetics and thermodynamics with a culminating independent project-based experience. Prerequisite: CHEM 221 and MATH 111 or MATH 116. Prerequisite or corequisite: PHYS 111 or PHYS 121. (This course satisfies Experiential Learning and Technology Intensive.)
cross listed: CHEM 321

BMB 322: Molecular Biology

Molecular biology is the theory that biological phenomena have molecular explanations. Communicating molecular biology results is critical for health professionals and researchers who will need to interpret and communicate the results of molecular tests and discover molecular mechanisms. This course focuses on student abilities to communicate results to answer five biological questions: "what is the evidence DNA is the genetic material?", "How does genetic information become a trait?", "How are DNA, RNA, and protein measured?", "How are genes regulated?", and "How is the genome maintained?" In lab, students will conduct a course-based undergraduate research experience to study the effect of an anti-cancer drug on the DNA of colorectal cancer cells. The lab report connects the lecture and lab as the final. Three lecture and four laboratory hours per week. Prerequisites: Chem 116 and Biol 221.
cross listed: BIOL 322, NEUR 322

BMB 323: Microbiology

This course focuses on the biology of single-celled organisms, with emphasis on bacteria and infectious disease. Topics include antibiotic mechanisms and resistance, bacterial gene swapping, epidemiology, host-microbe interactions, and the immune response. Several weeks of independent study allow students to isolate, research, and identify three bacterial species. Three lecture and four laboratory hours per week. This course fulfills the pre-requisite for microbiology in the health professions. Prerequisites: BIOL 221, and either BIOL 220 or Junior status. Students must also register for a lab.
cross listed: BIOL 323

BMB 324: Advanced Cell Biology

The structure and function of the cell and its organelles, with emphasis on membrane-related processes including transport, energetics, cell-to-cell signaling, and nerve and muscle cell function. Research reports will include extensive library and Internet exploration and analysis. Three lecture and four laboratory hours per week. Prerequisites: Biol 221, and either Biol 220 or Junior status.
cross listed: BIOL 324, NEUR 324

BMB 325: Topics in Disease and Cell聽Biology

This course examines the structure and function of the cell and its organelles, and how these relate to disease, with emphasis on the extracellular matrix, membrane-related processes including transport, cell-to-cell signaling, protein processing, and post-transcriptional regulation. Current techniques are explored in the context of primary research literature. Research reports include extensive library and Internet exploration and analysis. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisites:聽Biol聽221, and either聽Biol聽220 or Junior status. Not open to students who have taken聽BIOL聽324.
cross listed: BIOL 325, NEUR 327

BMB 326: Immunology

This course introduces students to the major players of innate and adaptive immunity at the cellular and molecular levels. Topics include immune receptors and signal transduction, cell migration, development of lymphocyte subsets, humoral and cellular immunity, and immunological disorders. Students are expected to develop a semester-long research project that will tackle one of the current challenges that affect the human immune response.Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisites: Biol 221, and either Biol 220 or Junior status.
cross listed: BIOL 326, NEUR 326

BMB 340: Animal Physiology

This course focuses on mechanisms of homeostasis in vertebrates and invertebrates. A particular emphasis is placed on examining specific adaptations (functional, morphological, and behavioral) to different environmental conditions, as well as problems associated with physical size. Topics include integration and response to stimuli, gas exchange, circulation, movement, buoyancy, metabolism, thermal regulation, osmoregulation, and excretion. Three lecture and four laboratory hours per week. This course fulfills the pre-requisite for physiology in the health professions. Prerequisites: BIOL 221 and BIOL 220 or permission of the instructor.
cross listed: BIOL 340, NEUR 340

BMB 342: Developmental Biology

Analysis of the genetic, molecular, cellular, and structural changes that occur between fertilization and the development of the adult form. This course examines many concepts including establishment of cell fates, stem cells, morphogenesis, and sex determination. Students also analyze key experiments and methods through primary literature that have provided an understanding of development. The laboratory demonstrates important developmental principles, allowing students to engage in projects of their own design to examine environmental and genetic contributions to development through the use of invertebrate organisms. Three discussion and four laboratory hours per week. Prerequisites: BIOL 221, and either BIOL 220 or Junior status. Students must also register for a lab. (Cross listed as BIOL 342 and NEUR 342)
cross listed: BIOL 342, NEUR 342

BMB 346: Neuroscience: Neuron to Brain

Neuroscience, the scientific study of the nervous system, is an inherently interdisciplinary field involving multiple levels of analysis. This course serves biology students, as an elective, and neuroscience students, as the first course in the two-part core neuroscience sequence. The course explores basic concepts in brain, mind, and behavior from a sub-organismal perspective. Current issues are examined within a broad integrative framework that begins with the cellular and molecular physiology of individual neurons. This lays the groundwork for the study of how molecules control the development of neuronal pathways and networks that underlie sensory, integrative, and motor systems. In addition, the course explores the molecular genetic basis of complex brain functions including learning, memory, affect, sleep, homeostasis, and ultimately, cognition. The accompanying laboratory provides students with hands-on experiences in the contemporary methods and experimental approaches of cellular and integrative neurophysiology. Three discussion and four laboratory hours per week. Prerequisites: BIOL 221, CHEM 116.
cross listed: BIOL 346, NEUR 301

BMB 351: Personal Genetics

The human genome comprises roughly 21,000 genes, each with its own variants and intricacies of function. A student chooses one gene in which they are personally interested (perhaps the gene causing celiac disease or breast cancer), researches and discusses the function of the gene with their peers, designs a way to clone the gene from their own cells (or from an anonymous donor), and obtains the DNA sequence of part of their gene. The project culminates in a grant proposal. The decision on which gene is studied is entirely student-driven. Other topics include the use of model organisms or cell cultures in the study of human disease, advanced mechanisms of gene editing like CRISPR-Cas9, or state of the art cancer treatments like CAR T-cell therapy. This course is a combination of four hours seminar and laboratory, and senior capstone experience will be earned with one 300-level course as prerequisite and advanced work. Prerequisites: BIOL 221, CHEM 116, and either BIOL 220 or Junior status.
cross listed: BIOL 351, NEUR 351

BMB 352: From Genotype to Phenotype

A study of the molecular basis for inheritance, particularly with respect to human traits and disorders. Topics include the structure, expression, and segregation of genes and chromosomes, the use of model organisms in the study of human disease, genetic engineering, gene therapy, and principles of genome science. The laboratory will apply current molecular techniques to an original course-based undergraduate research experience. Three lecture and four laboratory hours per week. Prerequisites: BIOL 221, and either BIOL 220 or Junior status.
cross listed: BIOL 352, NEUR 352

BMB 362: Mechanisms of Brain Dysfunction

This course will examine the biochemical and molecular basis of both rare and common nervous system disorders that are at the frontiers of molecular medicine. Students will select from illnesses that disable processes as diverse as memory, language, cognition, sensation, movement, emotion, and homeostasis. A special emphasis will be placed on investigating the primary causes of dysfunction, such as the role of protein misfolding, genetics, and neurotransmitters. By discussing the latest primary literature students will gain current understanding of neurological and psychiatric illnesses, as well as insights into the techniques and methods used in this field. Students will seek to further new knowledge by authoring an original grant proposal. Finally, depending on the semester offered, students will serve as advanced peer mentors for first year students either enrolled in FIYS 106 or BIOL 130 courses. Prerequisites: Biol 221, and either Biol 220 or Junior status. Two 80-minute sessions per week. (This course satisfies Writing Intensive.)
cross listed: BIOL 362, NEUR 362

BMB 365: The Neuroscience of Sleep

Why do we sleep? Despite the fact that we spend a third of our lives sleeping, neuroscience research has only just begun to answer this fundamental question. In this course, we delve into the fascinating field of brain-based research by investigating several sleep-related topics (e.g., sleep across species, the role of sleep in cognitive functions, sleep disorders, and dreaming). We explore these topics through the lens of contemporary neuroscientific work, so the majority of class time is dedicated to student-led presentations and discussions of primary research articles. Outside of class, students conduct independent research on a niche sleep-related topic, ultimately developing a thorough literature review and an original grant proposal. Prerequisites: BIOL 221 and PSYC 110 or permission of the instructor. (This course satisfies Natural Science.)
cross listed: NEUR 365, BIOL 365, PSYC 365

BMB 372: Pharmacology: Drug, Brain, Behavior

In this course, we will explore ideas and principles regarding neuronal communication and drug interactions that govern behavior. We will explore communication patterns of both electrical and chemical signaling, define complex dynamics of drug distributions and identify how these processes are influenced by individual genetics. This class will also investigate the interaction between neurotransmitters and drugs at specific neuronal receptors, which will be discussed from the perspective of agonism and antagonism. We will use these principles to guide our understanding of pharmaco-therapeutics that are focused on symptom targeting. Students will also have the opportunity to discuss clinical cases and participate in the development of strategic therapeutic approaches based on current research towards the treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders. Prerequisites: PSYC110 and BIOL221 with a grade of at least C-, or permission of instructor.
cross listed: BIOL 372, NEUR 372, PSYC 372

BMB 387: Investigations in Neurodegeneration

(Experimental Investigations in Neurodegeneration) The molecular and cellular basis for neurodegenerative disease is an important topic in neuroscience. Understanding the mechanisms of protein and cellular dysfunction is essential to developing therapies for these devastating disorders. This course combines an introduction to the major neurodegenerative diseases with laboratory investigations that specifically focus on Alzheimer's disease (AD) mechanisms. In lecture, we examine the major principles that connect neurodegenerative diseases and those that differentiate them, followed by an in-depth analysis of our current understanding of the molecular and biochemical contributions of amyloid beta and tau proteins and microglial cells in AD. The laboratory component utilizes a mammalian cell culture-based model system widely used in AD research. Students design and carry out novel experiments focused on ways to manipulate the secretion of amyloid beta from these cells. The lab is intended to enhance student professional development through research. Three lecture and four laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 221 or permission of instructor (This course satisfies Experiential Learning.)
cross listed: NEUR 387L, BIOL 387L

BMB 387: Investigations in Neurodegeneration

(Experimental Investigations in Neurodegeneration) The molecular and cellular basis for neurodegenerative disease is an important topic in neuroscience. Understanding the mechanisms of protein and cellular dysfunction is essential to developing therapies for these devastating disorders. This course combines an introduction to the major neurodegenerative diseases with laboratory investigations that specifically focus on Alzheimer's disease (AD) mechanisms. In lecture, we examine the major principles that connect neurodegenerative diseases and those that differentiate them, followed by an in-depth analysis of our current understanding of the molecular and biochemical contributions of amyloid beta and tau proteins and microglial cells in AD. The laboratory component utilizes a mammalian cell culture-based model system widely used in AD research. Students design and carry out novel experiments focused on ways to manipulate the secretion of amyloid beta from these cells. The lab is intended to enhance student professional development through research. Three lecture and four laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 221 or permissions of instructor
cross listed: NEUR 387

BMB 389: Evolution

This course will focus on the mechanisms of evolutionary change, ranging from short-term microevolutionary processes within populations to the origins of new species. Topics will include evidence for evolution, short-term microevolutionary processes, natural selection, adaptation, phylogenetic reconstruction, divergence and speciation, 'evo-devo', and human evolution. Classroom sessions will consist of lectures, discussions, and student presentations. Three lecture and four laboratory hours per week (including Field Museum trips). Prerequisites: Biol 220, and either Biol 221 or Junior status.
cross listed: BIOL 389, NEUR 389

BMB 415: Sr Sem: Molecular Machines

The ability to interpret protein and other biomolecular structural data is a key skill for anyone interested in molecular medicine, chemical biology, neuroscience, pharmacology, biology, evolution, and related fields. Recent technological advances in X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and machine learning have opened an abundance of new opportunities to solve how proteins and other biomolecules evolved to meet specific functions for living systems. After learning how protein structures are measured, students select recent protein structural discoveries relevant to their major or interests, present how those structures enable protein functions, depict protein structures, engage students in discussion, and propose new experiments based on new structural data. Prerequisite: Open to senior Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Neuroscience majors who have completed at least one 300-level course in the major or by permission of the instructor. (This course satisfies Senior Studies.)
cross listed: BIOL 415, NEUR 475

BMB 470: Sr Sem: Telomeres, Race, and Cancer

(Senior Seminar: Telomeres, Race, and Cancer.) This course examines telomeres, the tips of chromosomes, which serve a variety of protective cellular functions. Shortened telomeres may lead to decreased lifespan. Telomere length reduction can also be observed in some racial groups, lower socioeconomic groups, and chronically stressed individuals. Conversely, telomeres in some aberrant cells can be lengthened by the enzyme telomerase, leading to cell immortalization and tumor formation. Telomerase is one of the hallmarks of cancer, showing elevated levels in about 90% of tumors. Specific topics depend on student interest and consist of student-led journal clubs, discussions, and a grant proposal project. Prerequisite: Open to senior Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, and Neuroscience majors who have completed at least one 300-level course in the major or by permission of the instructor. (This course satisfies Senior Studies.)
cross listed: BIOL 470, NEUR 470

BMB 472: Sr Sem: Data Analytics in Life Sci

(Senior Seminar: Data Analytics in Life Science Applications.) Data is increasingly becoming part of our everyday lives. Especially in the sciences, gone are the days of simply observing and instead we must be able to analyze the world around us. This senior seminar provides a foundation to working with data in the real world. Students learn to organize, analyze, visualize, and document data through hands-on experience working with existing datasets collected from biology, neuroscience, biochemistry/molecular biology and more. Students learn the basics of Python Programing Language and how to leverage it to analyze any type of dataset. Students review primary literature behind a novel data processing technique, write a registered report for their chosen dataset, then execute their analysis plan and present their findings. Prerequisite: Open to senior Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, and Neuroscience majors who have completed at least one 300-level course in the major or by permission of the instructor. (This course satisfies Senior Studies.)
cross listed: BIOL 472, NEUR 472

BMB 474: The Genetic Basis of Behavior

(Senior Seminar: The Genetic Basis of Behavior) This course examines the genes and underlying molecular mechanisms that contribute to behaviors exhibited across the animal kingdom. Special emphasis is placed on an integrative understanding of how molecular level change contributes to organism behavior, and how those changes were evolutionarily selected. Precise topics depend on student interests. Class is comprised of short lectures, discussions of primary literature, and student presentations, which support development of a significant written work over the semester. Prerequisites: Open to senior Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Neuroscience majors who have completed at least one 300-level course in the major or permission of the instructor. (This course satisfies Senior Studies.)
cross listed: BIOL 474, NEUR 474

BMB 477: Mechanisms of Neurological Disease

(Senior Seminar: Mechanisms of Neurological Disease.) This course examines our current understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie neurodevelopmental disorders (i.e. autism), psychiatric disorders (i.e. depression, schizophrenia), and neurodegenerative disease (Alzheimer鈥檚, Parkinson鈥檚). Special emphasis is placed on a comparative analysis of model organism and human clinical research. Precise topics depend on student interests. Classes involve discussions of primary literature, student presentations, and short lectures. Prerequisites: Open to senior Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Neuroscience majors who have completed at least one 300-level course in the major or by permission of the instructor. (This course satisfies Natural Science and Speaking Intensive.)
cross listed: BIOL 477, NEUR 477

BMB 485: Sr Sem: The Nobel Prizes

(Senior Seminar: The Nobel Prizes: A Century of Innovation and Discovery) Koch, Fleming, Muller, Watson, Crick, von Bekesy, Golgi, and y Cajal are all Nobel Prize winners. Why are some names known to non-science students, whereas others are not even recognizable to most scientists? Every fall the Nobel Prize committee announces their awards. While their deliberations are shrouded in secrecy, the fame of the award is such that the general public often knows the names of winners. This course will examine the work and life of select prize winners in physiology/medicine and chemistry over the past 100 years. Reading will include the original work by the Novel laureates, as well as biographies and autobiographies of the winners. Discussion, presentations and papers will examine the impact of the winners' work, including a critical analysis of how important the work was at the time and how important it remains today, and why some awards were given years after the work was conducted, while others were recognized within a few years. The course will also include a history of the prize and of Alfred Nobel, and explore controversies associated with the award, including the dearth of female recipients. The semester will conclude with nominations for next year's award winners. Prerequisite: Open to senior biology, biochemistry & molecular biology, and neuroscience majors who have completed at least one 300-level course in the major or by permission of the instructor.
cross listed: BIOL 485, NEUR 485

BMB 488: Sr Sem: Cellular Basis of Disease

(Senior Seminar: Cellular Basis of Disease) A study of the cellular and molecular basis of human disease, such as cancer or diabetes. Classes involve intensive library research, report writing, and student presentations. Open to senior Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Neuroscience majors who have completed at least one 300-level course in the major or by permission of the instructor. (This course satisfies Senior Studies.)
cross listed: BIOL 488, NEUR 488