

Minor in Print and Digital Publishing

No major is currently available.

Requirements for the Minor

The Print and Digital Publishing Program requires six credits, in two categories of courses:

1. Students complete the four required core experiences, which provide study in the basics of editorial acquisitions, design and production, and marketing. As part of this core, students complete a one- or two- credit internship in the field, to be selected in consultation with the Program Chair and their College Internship Supervisor.

2. Students complete one or two elective credits to complete the six-credit minor.

Note: No more than three 100-level courses can count toward the Print and Digital Publishing minor.  Students may take courses for the Print and Digital Publishing program Pass-NoPass at the 100- or 200-level. The 300-level requirements for the minor must be taken for a letter grade.

The required core:
  • English 112: Introduction to Editing and Publishing
  • Art 142: Digital Design Foundations (or another design- or publishing-related studio art course approved by the Program Chair.)
  • English 329: Advanced Publishing
  • A one- or two- credit publishing internship
One or two electives, to complete the 6-credit minor:
  • Art 250: Printmaking
  • Art 253: Graphic and Digital Design
  • Art 350: Advanced Printmaking
  • Art History 201: Writing Art Criticism
  • Computer Science 107: Introduction to Web Programming
  • Computer Science 270: Web Development
  • English 111: Introduction to Professional Writing
  • English 225: Remixes in a Post-Burroughs World (0.5 credits)
  • English 245: Novel Writing Boot Camp
  • English 285: Creative Arts Entrepreneurship
  • Only one of the following 300-level writing courses, from 360-369:

    • English 360: Fiction Writing
    • English 361: Poetry Writing
    • English 364: Creative Unwriting & Remix Workshop
    • English 365: Poetry and Nature
    • English 366: Creative Writing: The Essay
    • English 367: Environmental Writing
    • English 368: Advanced Nonfiction Writing
    • English 369: Professional Writing in the Digital Age
  • English 392: Publishing Practicum: Theory/Design/Production
  • English 399: Inter-Text Undergraduate Journal for Social Sciences and Humanities (0.25 credits)
  • Journalism 120: Introduction to Journalism (formerly Communication 120)
  • Journalism 320: Advanced Journalism (formerly Communication 320)
  • French 270: Translation & Creative Writing
  • French 315: Technical & Literary Translation
  • Spanish 310: Creative Writing