
Student Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

The expected Student Learning Outcomes for the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department are:

  1. The biochemistry and molecular biology major will be able to use instrumentation in the design, execution, and critical interpretation of experiments.
  2. The biochemistry and molecular biology major will be able to work responsibly, collaboratively, and ethically on teams in the development of scientific communities.
  3. The biochemistry and molecular biology major will understand appropriate concepts, laboratory techniques, and quantitative analyses to solve current day problems in areas such as drug design, medicine, agriculture, biotechnology or other related scientific areas.
  4. The biochemistry and molecular biology major will demonstrate proficiency in concepts, manipulations, and calculations in biochemistry and molecular biology.
  5. The biochemistry and molecular biology major will be able to interpret primary research articles, identify gaps in current knowledge, and formulate both testable hypotheses and concrete future goals in areas that bridge chemistry and biology and communicate qualitative and quantitative ideas in spoken or written form.