

Benjamin Swerdlow

Benjamin Swerdlow

Assistant Professor of Psychology


Research Interests

Clinical Psychology
Affective Science
Emotion Regulation
Mood Disorders
Close Relationships
Ecological Momentary Assessment


University of California, Berkeley
PhD in Psychology
MA in Psychology

Wesleyan University
BA in Psychology and English  

Courses Taught

Psych 455: Narratives of Mental Illness & Recovery
Psych 350: Psychopathology & Clinical Science
Psych 375: Personality
Psych 110: Introduction to Psychological Science

Selected Publications

* Represents an undergraduate or postbaccalaureate student

Anvar, S.*, Swerdlow, B. A., Jobes, D., Timpano, K. R., Mandel, A. A., Kleinman, E., Joiner, T., & Johnson, S. L. (accepted). Emotion-related impulsivity and suicidal ideation: Toward a more specific model. British Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Swerdlow, B.A., Pearlstein, J. G., Sandel, D. B., & Johnson, S. L. (accepted). Negative affect and non-suicidal self-injury. To appear in I. Baetens, E. Lloyd-Richardson, & J. Whitlock (Eds.), The handbook of nonsuicidal self-injury. Oxford University Press.

Swerdlow, B. A., Sandel, D. B., & Johnson, S. L. (in press). Shame on me for needing you: Links between interpersonal emotion regulation and experiences of shame. Emotion.

Swerdlow, B. A., Sandel, D. B., Pearlstein, J. G., & Johnson, S. L. (2022). Momentary emotion goals and spontaneous emotion regulation in daily life: An ecological momentary assessment study of desire for high versus low arousal positive emotion. Affective Science.

Johnson, S. L., Robinson, M., Anvar, S.*, Swerdlow, B. A., & Timpano, K. (2022). Emotion-related impulsivity and rumination: Unique and conjoint effects on suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and nonsuicidal self-injury across two samples. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.

Swerdlow, B. A., Johnson, S. L., Timpano, K., Porter, P.*, & Dev, A. (2021). Longitudinal associations between internalizing symptoms, social behavior, and social perceptions amid the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States: Evidence from a transdiagnostic community sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 294, 805-812.

Swerdlow, B. A., & Johnson, S. L. (2020). The Interpersonal Regulation Interaction Scale (IRIS): A multistudy investigation of receivers’ retrospective evaluations of interpersonal emotion regulation interactions. Emotion.

Swerdlow, B. A., Pearlstein, J. G., Sandel., D., Mauss, I., & Johnson, S. L. (2020). Maladaptive behavior and affect regulation: A functionalist perspective. Emotion, 20, 75-79.

Swerdlow,B. A. (2018). Tracing the evolution of the Tarasoff duty in California. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 45, 25-38.

Under Review

Swerdlow, B.A., Baker, S. N., Leifker, F. R., Straud, C. L., Rozek, D. C., & Sippel, L. M. (under review). The impact of trauma-focused psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder on interpersonal functioning: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.

Maddox, M. A.*, Swerdlow, B. A., & Johnson, S. L. (under review). Couples amidst COVID-19: Effects of impulsivity on relationship satisfaction and internalizing symptoms.

Price, L. N.*, Swerdlow, B. A., & Johnson, S. L. (under review). Relationship satisfaction during COVID-19: The role of emotional support and social engagement.

Villanueva, C., Swerdlow, B. A., & Gruber, J. (invited chapter, under review). The challenge of emotion regulation in bipolar disorder. To appear in J. J. Gross & B. Ford (Eds.), Handbook of emotion regulation (3 rd ed.). Guilford Press.

Selected Research Presentations

* Represents an undergraduate or postbaccalaureate student.

Sandel, D. B., Modavi, K., Swerdlow, B. A., Tharp, J. A., Timpano, K. R., & Johnson, S. L. (2021, November). Heightened levels of both shame and urgency may relate to NSSI and suicide outcomes. Submitted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New Orleans, LA.   

Price, L.*, Swerdlow, B. A., & Johnson, S. L. (2021, May). Relationship satisfaction during COVID-19: The role of emotional support and social engagement. Presented at the 7th annual MQ Mental Health Science Summit, virtual.

Maddox, M.*, Swerdlow, B. A., & Johnson, S. L. (2021, May). Couples in COVID-19: The effects of impulsivity on relationship satisfaction and internalizing symptoms. Presented at the 7th annual MQ Mental Health Science Summit, virtual.

Sandel, D. B., Pearlstein, J., Swerdlow, B. A., & Johnson, S. L. (2021, May). State and trait emotion dysregulation: An EMA study of how urgency and distress intolerance relate to daily emotion regulation strategy use. Virtual flash talk presented at the 2021 Association for Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention. 

Swerdlow, B. A., & Johnson, S. L. (2021, April). Wanting vs. liking:Associations between intra- and inter-personal emotion regulation. Virtual flash talk presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Affective Science.

Marks, L. C.*, Levitan, J. M.*, Yadav, A.*, Hannawi, J.*, Swerdlow, B. A., Timpano, K., & Johnson, S. L. (2021, April). Emotion-related impulsivity and speech disfluency. Virtual flash talk presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Affective Science.

Swerdlow, B. A., & Johnson, S. L. (2019, March). Interpersonal emotion regulation in daily life: Perceived effectiveness, psychological wellbeing, loneliness, and future support-seeking. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Affective Science, Boston, MA.