
Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Mohammed in Germany

Visiting Prague Castle Mohammed '25 visiting Prague Castle
May 04, 2024
Mohammed Chowdhury '25

Mohammed '25, an English and communication double major with a business minor, studied abroad this spring semester in Berlin, Germany.

It's been a few months since I came to Berlin and I'm already praying to return once more. I've been surrounded by glitz, grit, and glamour, and it's safe to say I won't ever forget my life here. The initial fear of coming to a foreign city unknowing its language, people, and places quickly leaves entropy when you are surrounded by the fervor and heat of Berliners. I've made friends who have lived here for five, ten, or twenty years, and they have shown me how to own this city. I made these ends mine once I took every moment to explore the city and speak its language. I’ve happily learned straßendeutsch or street German, and I've used it to explore all the clubs, second spaces, and protests in the city. I worked with Berlin Underground, a collective that runs the techno and rave scene in the city which has given me the most unforgettable experiences ever.
In my portfolio, I began to write articles and interviews on my Berlin experience—the people who make this city so addicting. One of my favorite memories was going to the 032c store during their sample sale, meeting all those involved in the Berlin fashion scene, and walking directly out to hear the sounds of drums and protest. Right outside, a mile-long protest for Palestinian liberation. I leave the artistic, hedonist Berlin and join the crowd of a heated Berlin. In this community, a sense of belonging is ultimate. Whether you fancy clothes culture and consumption, or you look to properly respond to global issues, Berlin is the city that has—unlike some—become my safe haven.
I’d like to thank the donors for the Ingrid H. and George L. Speros Scholarship for Study Abroad. Thank you for being able to support my personal, passionate, and political projects for peace.
Protest March