
Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Vicka in Spain

Madrid Vicka' 25 in Madrid
May 09, 2024
Vicka Khrabatyn

Vicka Khrabatyn '25, a psychology major, studied abroad in Madrid, Spain for the Spring 2025 semester.

“How was your study abroad experience?” I find myself struggling to answer this question, so I first must start with my narrative: giving recognition to the individuals who described the experience and Spain most abundantly. For our ceremony, we had a few guest speakers to speak on the study abroad experience. One of the speakers was a representative from the U.S embassy who described Spain as embracing, being open, progressive, traditional, and intimate. The next speaker, a professor from one of the partnered universities highlighted that we are among the three percent of college students to have had the opportunity to study abroad. Lastly, the director of our university concluded that Spain would continue to keep its arms open for all of us if we choose to return and may we always live a vibrant and meaningful life by using the experiences and skills we’ve gained from studying abroad. I wanted to acknowledge all three of their speeches as a reflection of my time abroad and future students looking into this opportunity for themselves.

The past four months have been nothing short of wonder, mindfulness, and exploration within this program. From the first day to my last, I felt the inclusivity from the city and the people, and I am deeply grateful for the staff at Fundación Ortega Marañón, my U of M classmates turned friends (declaring me as an honorary U of M student) my roommates (we call ourselves the Little Women), my host mother (Mama Maria) and my visitors from home. Living in Spain teaches you to take in the pleasantries of life, even the simplest ones of walking around the city, indulging in food (countless tapas, patatas bravas, y iberico jamóncito), and drinking (too many tinto de veranos) from a local café or bar, and taking the metro or bus (on its slow days or aggressively bumpy rides) because those will be the memories you will hold onto forever. As a now Castellana speaker and aspiring Madrileña, thank you, Madrid, for becoming my second home.

Vicka with her host mom and roommates:

Madrid Host Family