

Kayla Goelz '21

Class Year


Area(s) of Study



Milwaukee, WI

Research conducted while at 91社区

I worked with Dr. Batz-Barbarich on her research regarding gendered language in job postings. I was also a member of the Richter Scholar program where I worked with Professor Goluboff on the connection between Emily Dickinson and botanist William Bartram.

Current Job

Corporate Sales Coordinator at Uline

What college courses have helped you out the most during your career? Why?

My senior year, I took BUSN 480 - Happiness: Key to Workplace Success with Dr. Batz Barbarich. The class, which was a senior seminar, not only focused on a topic extremely relevant to all individuals about to enter the workforce, but also gave us a chance to work with individuals currently employed at prevalent organizations. Through hands-on research and discussions with these individuals, we received insight into employee wellbeing and engagement in the modern workplace. This gave me the knowledge to know what to look for in my future career, but also how to help foster meaningful work for all individuals in an organization, which is an area I assist with in my current role.

What is the one of the things you are most proud of professionally?

Professionally, I am proud to work with a team that genuinely cares about good work, while also actively supporting the career development of our people. By supporting my organizations’ talent development programs, I am able to put into practice what I’ve learned through several of my Business-elective courses and senior seminar course. I’m proud to be in a role I am passionate about and to work with others that feel the same way.

What was one of your most meaningful experiences at LFC? and why?

The opportunity to perform on-campus research as a freshman (who was not pursing the natural sciences) through the Richter Scholar program was an incredibly rare opportunity. Through the 10-week research program during the summer, I was immersed in my work with Professor Goluboff and through that experience, was shown the importance of being passionate in what you do (Professor Goluboff is an incredible example of that) and the payoff that comes with dedicating time to your work. By working so closely with Professor Goluboff during my first years in college, I was also able to understand how to build professional, peer-to-peer relationships with my professors, which helped me further on in my college career, and as well my professional life after college.

Who is the one person/student organization/mentor that impacted you the most? and how so?

The individual at LFC who impacted me the most professionally is Dr Batz-Barbarich. She joined LFC as I was beginning my junior year, when I had little idea what I wanted to do with my life. Prior to her arrival, I knew I was interested in exploring the area of HR, but LFC didn’t have any professors solely devoted to that subject at the time. With her focus being HR and IO Psychology, it was perfect timing. Not only did she teach courses I was interested in and eager to explore, she also genuinely valued the curiosity and wellbeing of her students. When she asked me to be part of her research, I could not have been more thankful. Dr B gave me to opportunity to learn about an area of our Business major that I wouldn’t of had the chance to if she hadn’t joined the college. I assist with talent development, recruiting, and employee wellbeing in my current role, and without Dr B’s guidance and mentorship, I wouldn’t have been able to learn this was my passion.

Why 91社区? 

I chose 91社区 because I knew it was a small school, which would foster an intimate feeling across campus. This was important to me because I knew it would help me to foster relationships with my professors that I ordinarily would not receive at a larger school.