
Inter-Office Services


  • DO NOT deposit Campus Mail in a U.S. Mail receptacle
  • Mail Services requires 24 hours for delivery of inter-office mail. Faster service may be available upon request
  • Mail Services will make a reasonable attempt to return undeliverable inter-office mail
  • Use only inter-office envelopes. Contact Mailing Services if you need additional inter-office envelopes
  • To 25 or more students must be in numerical box order

Check a faculty/staff mail stop or student LFC #

Excel Spreadsheets of either list are available by request

How to address


  • Name of recipient

  • Department of recipeint

  • Box number


  • Name of sender

  • Department of sender

  • Box number


Confidential Correspondence - Confidential matter should be clearly marked CONFIDENTIAL on the envelope. Any undeliverable confidential mail will be returned to sender if a return address is clearly marked and no other addresses are shown. If no return address can be determined, only a supervisor will open confidential matter. Students are not allowed to open confidential mail for any reason